Module mpd::idle [] [src]

The module defines structures and protocols for asynchronous MPD communication

The MPD supports very simple protocol for asynchronous client notifications about different player events. First user issues idle command with optional argument to filter events by source subsystem (like "database", "player", "mixer" etc.)

Once in "idle" mode, client connection timeout is disabled, and MPD will notify client about next event when one occurs (if originated from one of designated subsystems, if specified).

(Actually MPD notifies only about general subsystem source of event, e.g. if user changed volume, client will get mixer event in idle mode, so it should issue status command then and check for any mixer-related field changes.)

Once some such event occurs, and client is notified about it, idle mode is interrupted, and client must issue another idle command to continue listening for interesting events.

While in "idle" mode, client can't issue any commands, except for special noidle command, which interrupts "idle" mode, and provides a list queued events since last idle command, if they occurred.

The module describes subsystems enum only, but the main workflow is determined by IdleGuard struct, which catches mutable reference to original Client struct, thus enforcing MPD contract in regards of (im)possibility to send commands while in "idle" mode.



"Idle" mode guard enforcing MPD asynchronous events protocol



Subsystems for idle command



This trait implements idle command of MPD protocol